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亞太媒體看貴州|讓我們一起搖擺!貴州苗族《仰歐?!诽每戳?Let’s dance in the performance of Niangx Eb Sangb


一路黔行,邂逅多彩貴州。10月20日至26日, 2024“機遇中國·亞太媒體看貴州”主題探訪活動在貴州舉辦,20名亞太區(qū)域主流媒體記者將深入黔東南、畢節(jié)、貴陽貴安等地,通過思想的碰撞與交流,增進互知互信、凝聚共識。




On October 20th, 20 journalists from Asia-pacific countries came to visit Guizhou.





On the first day of their visit, they arrived at Xinjang Miao Village in Leishan County of Guizhou to watch the performance of “Divine Clear Water Lady - Niangx Eb Sangb”and experience the charm of Miao ethnicity.





Marfika Adnan Bin Haris Fadzilah,the journalist of Bernama, said that he really enjoyed it especially at the end to go on the stage.





“Divine Clear Water Lady - Niangx Eb Sangb” is an ancient narrative long poem circulated in the southeast region of Guizhou Province, denicting the deeply moving mythological love story between Niangx Eb Sangb and the sun. In 2008, it was listed as a project in the second batch of China’s national intangible cultural heritage of folk literature.

貴州日報天眼新聞記者  賴盈盈

編輯 高鑫

二審 閔捷

三審 龐博